
Sunday, January 5, 2014

Three Things I Like About Myself

Today is Day Five. Caitlyn tried to convince me that I must start at Day One, but alas, she was outvoted. By myself, namely. After all, I hold the authorship of the blog and the copyright. 
Just kidding. No copyright.

But today is a very special day, because I get to brag on myself. Actually, I do that every day, so it's not that unusual. I'm just widening the audience.
  I have to list three things I like about myself. (I'm gonna go ahead and take the opportunity to say that I'm using the Blogger app for the first time, and I really don't know how it will work) Problem here is, I don't know exactly what there is about myself to praise. Give me a moment whilst I confer with my sister.

According to my sister, I am wry good at being stupid. I'm going to try another one.
(These are entirely from my sisters, and the post would be more aptly named, "Three Things My Sister Likes About Myself")

1. I am, and will in the future be a good counsellor. I must admit that multiple people have told me this, and while I don't technically believe them, it is rather flattering.

2. I could very easily create a line of popular, award-winning shoes. I really don't know what to do with this information. 

3. Faith: Ummm... Do that you are a fabulous writer.
(That one really did flatter me. Behold, the praise of sisters is sweet.)

I could add more of their suggestions, (i.e. I could be a model, I can read, etc.) but for my own time's sake. I shall stop here. Tell me in the comments, what's something you like about yourself? Don't be afraid to brag on yourself a little!!;)


1 comment:

  1. Wonderful post, Margaret! Let's see, something I like about myself...
    ...I'm good at gymnastics. :)
