
Tuesday, December 24, 2013

A Christmas Poem

'Tis the Night before Christmas
And nowhere in the house
Is my computer working
Not even the mouse.

Sorry. Merry Christmas Eve.


Friday, December 20, 2013

An Apology

Hello!! Glad you've stopped by this lovely morning for.... Some tea? A biscuit? Scrambled eggs? Ahh see, there's my Yankee peeking through!

And before you yell at me........... Actually I'd prefer that you didn't yell at me at all, but I suppose one can't be picky in the blogging business. Like, if your computer goes ker-smash and decides to die for no apparent reason, you should just move on in a chill manner and get a new computer.

...but I don't have any money. And the next thing I wanted to post on here is on my dead computer. Are you putting the pieces together now? Yes, it's a true story. Not even like the "Based on a true story" movies that you see where they take everything you every admired in a historical figure and turn them inTO SOME SORT OF MANIAC AND I JUST-

Monday, December 2, 2013

Henry Percy

Hi guys!!! I hope all of you had a wonderful Thanksgiving! And if you're not in the States, I hope you had a wonderful day of giving thanks all the same;) I just got back from a delightful holiday with my grandparents, my only regret being that I slept through a lot of it:/
In other news me and my cold will be celebrating our one month anniversary next Monday, and lemme tell ya, it has been a whirlwind of a month. Both awesome and horrid, plus a few other things thrown in x) Christmas is coming up soon, and as usual, I am disgustingly negligent when it comes to preparation for the holidays. My desire to buy my friends and family thoughtful gifts is usually outweighed by my lack of realization that Time and Holidays wait for no man, and that a day which at one time seems far away is actually approaching quite speedily.

So why the odd title? you ask. I shush you and proceed to explain.
My friend Juliette and I (I can never get over the irony of a Shakespeare nerd having a friend named Juliette) have a writing journal we've been working on, where one person writes anything they choose in it and then passes it off to the next person. I got it back from her last Sunday, ad since we were leaving for my grandparents the next day, I decided  to bring it along.