
Tuesday, October 15, 2013

Character Sketch - Lorelei

By popular demand, I decided to begin a series of character sketches, beginning with the protagonist of Lorelei: Lorelei x) (but seriously, if you guys come up with any better names or ideas, I'm so sick of not having an actual title)

Before I wrote this, I got on Scrivener to look at the character template I already had for Lorelei there. I found it to be disgustingly brief.

 Role in story: protagonist

Occupation: princess

Physical description: rather short, with auburn hair that seems to always be tousled

Personality: outgoing, bright, doesn't seem to be suited to the life of royalty, yet she cares very much for her people.

Really? This description could fit practically every stereotypical princess ever. (the other thing about me: I. Hate. Stereotypes *stands on soapbox* A stereotype tries to confine any given idea or group of people to one single standard. Guess what? God created people beautifully and uniquely, and to stereotype them is to doubt His creativity. And besides, it's annoying ;) *gets off soapbox*)
So anyways. I've made an attempt to reconstruct the meager sketch I had for your reading pleasure.

Lorelei is a princess of the kingdom of Ellyion.
She is spunky, joyful, and full of life. She sees the position she was born into - royal heir to the throne of Ellyion - as a true gift and her greatest calling. She loves her people, and wishes to care for them to the best of her ability. Unlike the stereotypical princess, she is not tom-boyish and unruly and she does not wish she didn't have to be prim and proper and she does not have a disapproving mother who is always perfect and makes he mind her p's and q's. (I'll discuss that one when I do Queen Ina's sketch) Perhaps she sometimes struggles with the precise manners and attitudes expected of a lady of the royal family, but then again, she is only human. At least, that's how I hope she comes across. I get sick of the message that so many books give. "Well if you were really meant to be who you are right now, it would come naturally to you and you wouldn't want anything else. Just, follow your heart." How sappy.
I'm sorry. I did not intend this to be a rant. *deep breath*
But I do want Lorelei to be her own person and to be known as such, and when people read about her I don't want them thinking she's some spoiled brat who feels she deserves to live an easier, more comfortable life than she already has. This is my baby, guys. I want to give her a good launch into the real world x)

The further we delve into Lorelei's character, (and the more hardship I inflict upon her;) the more her strong spirit and indomitable will shine through. It is one of her cardinal traits, that when she believes in something, she will stand by it, no matter what it does to her.

Many people over the course of time have helped me in finding photos to match my characters' profiles, or "casting" my characters. I dislike finding one face only, because I can never find the perfect person!! Therefore I have several main reference photos per character, not necessarily matching the face, but the attitudes and emotions these characters express.
Lorelei has been particularly difficult to match, simply because I'm writing from her POV. Just like I would have a difficult time describing myself, it's not easy to be sure of what she really looks like.
However, I have found a few photos that sum her up rather well, and I present them to you now.

This is Kaitlyn Dever. She's pretty adorable.

I have no idea who this is xD
She doesn't look much like Lorelei, but she has the same attitude, the same optimistic outlook.
*newscaster voice*
In out next edition of Character Sketches, we'll be taking a closer look into the life of everyone's favorite woodsman. That's right! Next up, Vyrrn!


  1. Lovely! I can't wait to see more! And I totally hear you about the whole "this is my character, this is my baby" thing. That's why I can almost never kill off ANYONE. x)

    1. I don't usually feel this protective of a character, (I've done heartwrenching things in the name of emotive writing x) But I am so very attached to these characters..... I'm more than a little unwilling to bid any of them goodbye;)
