
Sunday, November 24, 2013

Writing Prompts, DLFs, and Pirates

Just to shake up the already chaotic and entirely unorganized routine of my blog, I thought I'd bring you something new today.

For about two months now I've been receiving daily writing prompts in my inbox from Sarah Selecky, who also has all of her prompts in a more displayable form on Pinterest. They've been very helpful, and though I have not yet accomplished the goal of writing with them every day, several stories and scenes have been born due to these prompts. Here's today's:

For some reason Blogger thought it would be funny to display this image about six times blurrier than it actually is. Oh Blogger? Not. Funny.
But hopefully you can read that, even if you have to dig out your old bifocals.
When I read it, I was transported back to a glorious time, a sort of 'Golden Age' in my life, if I am permitted to call it that.
Actually, it was just a Sunday afternoon at my church and I was chilling with a bunch of little girls.
Which is the funnest thing in the world, by the way. Little girls are the bomb.
But I digress.

My sister and I (wow this post's just FULL o' links!!) had decided that it would be uproariously funny to separate the kids into two teams and have a story-writing competition. The way we were going to choose the winner without a judge slips my mind, but I assume that it had something to do with whoever could argue the loudest and who laughed more at what. You know. Typical rules.
The teams were picked and we were ready to begin.

The race was on. Somewhere in the beginning stages, most of my group abandoned me for something more interesting, and I was left with a single loyal helper, who bore the surprisingly ironic name of Kaitlyn.
Believe me when I tell you that I have pondered long and hard and spent many sleepless nights trying to discover the secrets of irony. And also the fact that my most loyal writing companions have both been named (K)Caitlyn. I'm still curious as to if I'll get another writing consultant/Newsies enthusiast/Hobbit accompanist/Andrew Ffoulkes-to-my-Percy Blakeney named Ashley, or even more ironically, Ronnie, but so far none have appeared and Hoodie is so happy with her Ronnie;)

But back to church and the afternoon of the Golden Age. Kaitlyn and I decided on a reasonable compromise in which we would each take turns coming up with ideas for sentences. We wanted to have two storylines going on at once because that meant confusion and therefore professionalism. And it would be funny.
We finished the story in record time and presented it with grandeur and pomp to the rest of the group. Claire would probably say it sounded more like constrained giggling, but what do slightly older and shorter sisters know anyways?

I know you're all dying to hear the story. The great epic of courage and glory and sacrifice and espionage and clever plot twists. So here you are. I present to you:

Did I Forget to Mention That We Didn't Have a Title?

When the pirates approached the ship, a huge battle ensued. The prince finally found the princess in the dark cave where the evil dragon had tied her up. The pirates were captured by the King's mighty sailors. And Robin Hood found some gold. The prince and the princess made a difficult and strenuous journey back to the castle. The sailors made the pirates tell them where the treasure was hidden. And the Elves got back their gold. The prince and princess were almost to the castle when they were abducted by the Ding Dongs! The pirates were excited to have captured the prince and princess. The princess unlocks the door with her hairclip. And the fire alarm went off.

The End

Aren't little girls the best?



  1. How adorable! And-um...nice story. It is quite your style ;D

    1. -_- yeah yeah I see what you did there

    2. I didn't mean that in a offensive way! It was a nice story, and I didn't mean that last in an offensive position. Forgive me? :(

    3. I once made a story that was really stupid. It was about a prince trying to free a princess who was locked in a cave with a dragon who randomly started to knit socks to keep her feet warm. I'm sorry I sounded mean.

    4. XDDD noooooo I wasn't offended!!! I was being sarcastic x) sorry!!!

    5. Oh...good. I felt so bad! I forgive you :) Thanks for saying :)

  2. Sure! xD sorry, I should have made that more obvious xDDD

    1. Okay. I feel much more better knowing that I didn't actually hurt your feelings. Well, thanks for telling me :)
