
Friday, October 25, 2013

Odds and Ends

Hey guys!!! So for the final three character sketches, (there are more characters, but to say virtually anything about them would be major spoilers) I have King Torvald, the Duke of ____, and the Count of ____. Apparently, I should do some name research, or, knowing me, they will continue through the entire story unnamed. (Any links to name websites would be greatly appreciated;)

Writing has gone well lately, and I'm hopeful that when I'm finished with the character sketches I might begin posting chapters. *not a promise*

Big Brother turned 17 yesterday, which is both happy and weird. I have to say though, people who can drive are wondrously convenient. (*sniff* they do grow up so fast...)

I told you this was going to be random. If you didn't read the title, you should probably do that now. And I'm not going to wait for you and sing Under the Sea again, if that's what you were wondering. That ship has sailed. HAHAHA GET IT? SHIP? UNDER THE SEA?
Ahhh, just forget it.

Guys, it's cold outside.

And also sad, I guess, if you don't like cold weather.

Because you're a pretty neat person, and I think neat people should have the right opinions on things. And if you don't like sweater weather, well....
*ahem* Moving on.

I have an ACT tomorrow which you guys will probably hear a lot about. At this moment in time, I'm not sure if it will be good or bad. Because I've never taken an ACT. Which is weird, because I always thought that you take ACTs through your high-school years instead of starting in the Junior year. Maybe I'm wrong about that. SO SUE ME.
Just kidding, I don't have any money.
But I will be glad when it's over, because when I'm worried/irritated/etc, I basically turn into Kuzco. Look:

My Life In Kuzco Gifs:

Me when I'm mad
Me doing chemistry
Me tomorrow after the test
Me when I'm tired
Me all the time

Sorry if I crashed your device with all the fabulous Kuzco-ness. What can I say? I warned you.

I'm fairly sure I've said all I've come to say. I might need to find a place for some more Kuzco gifs. If I forgot something, I'll edit the post and most likely you'll never know. It's like memory stealing before you even have a memory of it. (Kate, that's a new idea x)


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