
Wednesday, October 16, 2013

Character Sketch - Vyrrn

Today is a fun day because I get to talk about one of my favorite characters I’ve ever had the pleasure to write.

I admit, as much as I dislike stereotypes, (or rather, hate with a burning passion) Vyrrn is rather the perfect hero. He’s brave. He’s been unjustly accused. He wants to clear his name because he’s noble and loyal and true. But guys, these characters are so fun to write x)
My goal in writing this character was to take the stereotypical knight in shining armor and give it a twist. Like Ashley recently posted on her blog, every character needs a few quirks, something that makes them their own person.

So, who is Vyrrn?
He is a man of few words. He was born at court and lived there for many years, yet he feels much more at home within the endlessness of the Forest Verta. Maybe one day I’ll make a map of the kingdom so you can see where everything fits. But that’s off topic.

Vyrrn is courteous to all and harsh to none. He believes in chivalry and the courtly manners he was raised with. He is a true gentleman.
That does not me
an, however, that he is overly pacific or somehow “unmanly.” We’ll discover later that he has some pretty wicked fighting skills. But he’d much rather use those skills to hunt deer than to fight men. He is slow to act, and can be seen as indecisive. In reality, however, he is cautious to make large decisions before considering every viewpoint. There are few times he has acted on impulse, and when he does, it is nearly always because a loved one is at stake. His reluctance to spring into action harms more than himself when the hard-hitting Count strikes a blow at the royal city itself that nearly no one had seen coming.  But I'll get to that later ;) Vyrrn held strongly to traditional values, and while living at court, he considered the safety of king and queen (and later heir) to be his highest priority. When he and his parents are sent from the king's seat, he becomes embittered against the Crown. While he would never attempt anything  in the way of "revenge" against the king, (that would be completely against his nature) he believes that the responsibility of the royals' protection has passed from him. When Lorelei appears, he grows to care for her before he knows anything about her heritage. It is only when he sees how wholeheartedly she loves her kingdom and people that he is able to get over his grudge. When he returns to the palace nearly a year after Lorelei left the Forest Verta, he is practically a new person, any sort of malice he once bore is gone without a trace, and he is devoted to serve his country and his king once again.

I know, I know. I didn't talk about any of his actual character quirks. I lied. I was young. I needed the money. I hope I haven't broken your heart and your trust completely forever. Truth is, I don't know everything about my characters yet. *gasp* Or rather, they haven't chosen to tell me everything about themselves yet ;) Don't worry, all in good time....
As for character photos, I found it much easier to find photos and illustrations to match Vyrrn's appearance/attitudes/emotions than most of my other characters (except Ari, and she doesn't even come in until the very last scene of the entire book.) So I present to you now: Vyrrn
This is Dean O' Gorman. You probably already know him from his role in the Hobbit as Fili. This is not Fili. Dwarves have beards, do your research.
This is Gerald Butler in a still from Beowulf

This is a drawing. Basically, it doesn't look anything like Vyrrn. but the attitude matches him to a tee. As I before mentioned, he is rather uncomfortable in posh social settings...
My next few posts will take closer looks at King Torvald, Queen Ina, and Ella, Lorelei's maid-in-waiting. I can't promise that they will be as lengthy or detailed as the past two, for now I'm getting into the supporting characters, and I have not devoted the same level of dedication in my "let-me-get-to-know-you" efforts. But, I shall write them, they shall appear here, and I will continue crafting this tale to my eventual satisfaction or disgust. *bows* Thank you and goodnight. Er- afternoon. 
Pase bon joune!

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