
Tuesday, October 22, 2013

Character Sketch ~ Queen Ina

Coming up in today's edition of Character Sketches: Ina is being haughty, the faculty of Let's Find Character Reference Photos is grossly understaffed,  and I lose my mind!!

Let me explain.

As was aforementioned (several times, probably) I abhor loathe detest dislike stereotypes. I'm sure we're all aware of the stereotypical queen mother in stories like this. She's prim, proper, and always completely disapproving of her daughter, who is always the protagonist, shown to be completely innocent of everything except following her heart. Which of course, is always the right thing to do.
deep breath, Maggie. Don't get too uptight.
But you see my problem. I want to avoid this stereotype. I want Ina to be unique, awesome, wonderful, her own person in every way. For those of you who have read Megan Whalen Turner's The Thief series, I envision Ina as a combination of Attolia and Eddis. She's firm, she's diligent and noble, yet she's kind and caring.
The problem isn't defining the character, the problem is writing her. It's a delicate balance that would ruin the character should I lean too far one way or the other.

That's why today's post is shorter. I can't explain or expound upon her character, because I honestly don't know her well myself. She's one of those elusive characters who won't be explained until the last possible moment.

But on to character photos.
Which, by the way, have not been found yet. I have seen several that capture some aspect, but none that fully encompass her. Except for that annoying one which is perfect in every way except for the fact that it's from the back and her face is obscured.
They're all competing in my mind for position as lead reference photo. It's really quite annoying. So I've decided to lavish them upon you, dear and longsuffering reader, so that you might give me feedback.

A Little About Her Appearance:
She has dark hair
She's mid 40's
She has an oval/invert. triangle shaped face
Yes, that is important to know....
She's very regal looking, but she's not perfectly beautiful and glam (Charlize Theron in Snow White and the Huntsman comes to mind; she is not what Ina looks like. Even though she's practically gorgeous in every way.)

Now, for the contesting photos:

This is Emily Blunt in The Young Victoria. She seems to be the most like Ina, but she looks too nice and approachable. I don't know.
I don't know who this is. At any rate, she's too young. But she looks like a young Ina might have.
Read the last caption. Also, anyone else think that guy looks like Sean Astin?
What's-her-face from that Esther movie. She's pretty cool, except she also looks too nice. (Stop judging. I have the right to be as picky as I wish.)
Charlize, looking really evil-queen-ish. I think it's the pointy crown. (NOTE: NOT A VIABLE CONTESTANT)
She just is Ina. I wish I could see her face. #writerprobs
Aaaaaaaannd that's a wrap. I'd love to hear any thoughts/opinions/questions/answers/criticism you might have for me.


  1. The second one is Sophie Marceau from Braveheart, and she's about 15 years older now. The third one is Emma Thompson from Henry V, and behind her is a young Kenneth Branagh. She's easily twenty years older now. That's about all I can help with xD

    1. Whoa. Kenneth Branagh used to look like THAT? Weird.... But I remember reading something about it being from Henry V, (which happens to be my favorite Shakespeare play) but I didn't put that on there for fear of being wrong. Thank you once again, oh Helpful One;)
