
Tuesday, May 6, 2014

Liebster Blog Award

So yesterday, I found to my surprise that I had been awarded the Liebster Blog Award by Ashley and Megan over on their blogs. Thank you, guys=)

I have actually done this before on a previous blog (no, it is entirely off the web now, thank you very much) and the memory of it, like most things from my past, is embarrassing. But, it's nothing to be ashamed of, so here I am, ready to change my opinion of it and my blogging skills today!

First, the rules:

-Thank and link back to the person who nominated you (thanks again, Megan and Ashley!;)
-List 11 facts about yourself
-Answer the 11 questions asked by the blogger who nominated you
-Nominate 9 bloggers who have fewer than 200 followers (you can't nominate the person who nominated you)
-Ask them 11 questions
-Let them know about the nomination

Oh, facts. As any slightly-introverted soul, I cringe in horror at the thought of having to think of unique things about myself in the spur of the moment. But, considering that this is my blog and I post on my own time, it's not really spur of the moment, is it? So here goes.

1. I am, in almost every way possible, the stereotypical nerd. (assuming, that is, that our definition of nerd is someone who lives in a non-mainstream way. Which come to think of it, is also a hipster) I love school, I read a TON of books, and I make a ton of science jokes. But I don't have glasses or braces or any knowledge of computer programming. So I'm a Lit. nerd?

2. I get really weirded out by other people who are nerds to the same degree that I am. 

3. I'm pretty sure I only watched Crocodile Hunter after Steve Irwin was already dead. Which is actually kind of depressing.

4. I have a job selling tea locally, and it is the most perfect job for me because it combines two of my favourite things in the whole world, tea and people watching. Although my sales pitch needs some work;)

5. I have a really weird bias against country music.

6. I have never not shared a room with my sister. Training a new roommate would just be too hard. 

7. I think the whole Books vs. eReaders debate is stupid. It's like arguing over which particular type of broccoli you prefer. They both lead to the same thing: More literacy! (that said, I would prefer to sit down and read a real book. Old habits die hard, I guess. And paper is magic.)

8. I love musical theatre. And considering the fact that I can't sing, dance, or act, it's a rather unfortunate hobby. 

9. Despite living in the U.S. where everyone apparently loves sports, I'm really not a sports person at all. On a definitive ranking of all sports, though, I would put snowboarding at the top of the list, and football somewhere very near the bottom.

10. I cannot keep a single electronic working. Right now, of the three main electronics I own, none of them function properly. I don't know what I do to them, they just don't stay well.

11. I like writing in cursive over print. I also practice writing with my left hand and my fingers minus thumb. (you know, in case I ever lose my thumbs)

Wow! I actually made it to eleven. Now on to Ashley's eleven questions.

1. Who was your first fictional character crush?
Wilbur, from Charlotte's Web (Aha, just kidding ;)

2. Which fictional place would you pack up and move to in a jiffy?
I have always loved Rivendell. The aura of age and wisdom, yet exquisite beauty is something which I am not quite able to resist.

3. Which are cooler, Daleks or Cybermen?
Um, I don't know. They both seem rather robotic and void of personality.

4. What's one talent you desperately wish you had?
I am probably the world's worst gamer. Not that I spend very much time at all gaming, but I would like to be able to pwn all of my siblings once in a while;)

5. Describe yourself in one word. Don't use boring or ordinary or any of the synonyms of those words.
Baltering. I am past master.

6. Have you ever taken the Myers-Briggs personality test? If so, what did you score?
Actually, yes I have. Several times. I wasn't sure that my results were accurate, so I did it again x) The majority of the time I have been an INTP, but I really think I'm probably more of an INTJ.

7. Who do you most want to meet in person?
Patrick Stewart.

8. Books or Nooks?
Wow, this is ironic, considering that previous fact about me somewhere up there x) Books, I'd have to say.

9. Your zombie apocalypse weapon of choice is...
An antique sword.

10. What's the one thing you thought you'd become as a kid that you haven't yet? Are you still planning on it?
I was a weird child. I always envisioned myself as some sort of PhD or astronaut or something... Truth be told, I still plan on the PhD xD

11. Are you more of a dog person or a cat person?
Cats, definitely. They're so wonderfully selfish and narcissistic.

Now to Megan's questions!

1. Who is your favourite actor/actress?
Cate Blanchett, Laura Osnes, and Liam Neeson.

2. If you could travel to only one place for the rest of your life, where would it be? 
Florence, Italy.

3. If you had a superpower, what would it be?
The very fact that I've spent hours considering this disturbs me. Probably healing powers, because I can't think of any ways that I would misuse that, whereas invisibility, mind-reading, time travel, all of those could be quite dangerous x)

4. What is your favourite colour?

5. If you've done the Disney princess quiz, what did you get?
Belle. Also Jasmine one time... But we all know I'm secretly Kuzco.

6. If you could pick any pet to have, what would it be?
A wee little hedgehog!!!

7. Period dramas, or sci-fi action movies??
I'd like to believe that I've grown up and matured enough to say period drama, but I would choose TOS Star Trek over it in a heartbeat x)

8. What's your favourite thing to do in free time?
From my previous post, apparently reading x)

9. Which is your favourite: Facebook or Pinterest?
I don't have Facebook, but even if I did I'd probably say Pinterest x) That thing is addicting!

10. Are you talkative or silent?
I can be both, but I am talkative the vast majority of the time.

11. Lastly, what is your favourite verse?
As of now, my favourite verse is Micah 7:8-9 where it says,
"Do not rejoice over my, my enemy;
When I fall, I will arise;
When I sit in darkness,
The Lord will be a light to me.
I will bear the indignation of the Lord,
Because I have sinned against Him,
Until He pleads my case
And executes justice for me.
He will bring me forth to the light;
I will see His righteousness."

Now for the amazing bloggers! Ironically, two of the people I would have tagged tagged me instead, so my list - although I don't think it was nine people anyways - is substantially shorter x)

Firstly, my beautiful friend Caitlyn at

My sister Claire at

Bella-who-I-have-relied-on-many-a-time-to-find-the-name-of-a-characterly-looking-person-for-me at ;P

Kate the Great at

Adelaide at 

Aaaaaand honestly I don't know many other bloggers who haven't been tagged in this already xD

Now your questions!!

1. Favourite author? 
2. Cravats or bowties?
3. Have you been to a foreign country? If so, which one(s)?
4. Quote something off the top of your head.
5. Broadway or Hollywood?
6. Do you like sushi?
7.Thoughts on floor lamps?
8. Do you enjoy chick flicks? (be honest;P)
9. What is a hobby from your childhood you still retain?
10. Does a PT6A have a multi-stage compressor?
11. Beards or no beards?

And there you are! Until next post, readers!



  1. Yay! Congrats, Margaret! :D Love this post, I highly approve of your answer to question 7 on the second list. xD Also I love purple too <3
