
Sunday, November 3, 2013

Character Sketch ~ the Duke of Amery & the Count of Jonte

I have officially accomplished something important in my life. I found the names. Big things are happening, I can feel it.

So now I can write the character sketches. Yay!!^.^
I go through phases of favoritism when it comes to my characters. One day it's the protagonist, the next day it's the villain, the day after that it's some nameless person that MC bumps into on the sidewalk who is never mentioned again.
I know favoritism is a dangerous game to play. I've read the story of Joseph. He had some messed up brothers. But the fact of the matter is, my characters don't even know I exist. For all they know, they're just living out their little lives, full of adventure or boredom as I see fit to give them. So it doesn't hurt that much, does it?
All that to say, I'm really liking these two characters right now, the Duke and the Count. They're diametric opposites. The Duke is an embodiment of every ideal of nobility. The Count is ruthless with a capital R, not caring at all who he hurts as long as it's not him.
Which is why they get a joint-post. They're too different to do them separately.

First, let me explain the names.
First, let me explain the characters of the two men who bear the names.
First, let me explain the country and the people in it.
Aghh let's just go to the very start.
'In the beginning, God created the heavens and the earth.'
Lil too far back.

But to understand the names, you have to understand the men behind them and the very nature of the country. It's important, I promise. My days of chasing tangents are far behind me.
Ellyion is in every sense of the word, the King's Country. Not only do they have a history of noble, honest, just kings who have descended in a long line from their very first king, Ell, but the standards which the kings have set have change not only themselves, but their subjects. That's something else that shapes Torvald. He has immense pressure on him as not only the ruler, but the moral standard of millions of people.
So now, I shall explain the two men in question, the Duke and the Count themselves.

Aurick of Amery is the king's closest and oldest friend. Growing up as a fourth son, Torvald had little hope that he would ever be heir to the throne, and much of the pomposity and the distance between royalty and nobility was scarce in his relationship with Amery. He knew what it was to be everything and nothing - he was a prince, but never a king, and he remembered that. Out of his childhood came a more noble, a more patient and honest king than Ellyion had seen in many generations, for when his three brothers and his father died in the same battle, he was suddenly given the crown he had never dared hope might be his.
My point being, of course, that Amery had been with him throughout his life, and Torvald didn't forget him once he was king. He became Torvald's most valued advisor. At the beginning of the story, when Lorelei is returning from holiday, is it any wonder that the king, not being able to accompany her himself, would have sent Amery to watch over her? Amery is, at this point, like a second father to Lorelei, and uniquely fitted for the job.

To the far left of the spectrum we find the Count of Jonte. He is cunning, scheming, and conniving. But he is a master at hiding it. Had Vyrrn never appeared with evidence against Jonte, the King might never had known that he had a knife twisted in the back of almost every nobleman at court. Those he could not bribe, he threatened. Every man who had had an encounter with Jonte knew that when he made a threat, it was never empty. In that, he was as good as his word.

Everything you can say of Amery, the opposite is true of Jonte.
Amery is kind - Jonte is ruthless
Amery is always honest - Jonte even lies in his sleep
Amery isn't afraid to be blunt - Jonte distills the truth to a nearly unrecognizable, palatable mess.
Amery is selfless, he'll do what's best for the person in question - Jonte is the classic "looks out for Number One' bit. One of the many reasons why he is unmarried. He couldn't love anyone else like he loves himself.

You see why I didn't do separate posts? If I had, you'd all be saying, "Wha bro, this is like totally the same post, just different. Not cool, bro."

I told you I'd explain the names. Well, I kinda lied, because I don't know what Amery means. *uses handy-dandy dictionary app*
*mutters* Stupid app needs that thing the kids are calling "The Internets." Dratted funky modern-day contraptions.
Because, guys, I'm secretly a ninety-year-old lady who knits and shoves her false teeth in whens she hears the doorbell ring. (using a giant hearing aid) Sorry to let you down, but you know what they say! Never trust a Snuggie-wearing Stranger on the Internets.
And after all that, I still don't know what Amery means.

But Jonte is, in fact, a short and condensed version of a Greek name which means "foreigner." I wanted something that really verified the difference between him and the people of Ellyion. Yes, he is Ellyian-born, but he and the crooks he employs are not like the other subjects. Ellyion is a kingdom of truth and peace, and everything he is and stands for contradicts it. Names shape people, and I knew that somehow, his had to work with who he was as a person.

I've been thinking of making a character page for this story like Willow and Darrion have done over on The Call. Once I finish collecting character reference photos, I'll get that up. Probably. You know how I love procrastinating.
And no, I haven't found the Duke's or the Count's photos yet. I'm sorry. I understand if you never want to come back.

.......but please do, or I'll never be popular and have a giant book-signing in New York with a 357 person line at  my table!!!!



  1. Wow, these are two amazing and well-thought out characters. As well as intriguing. Awesome!

    1. Thanks girl!! Your encouragement means so much to me!!
